Racoon Diseases Yonkers
Raccoons in Yonkers can carry diseases that are dangerous for humans. Most people know that many can carry rabies, but that is just one of many. Here is a list of the most common diseases carried by raccoons in the Yonkers area:
Rabies – Rabies is the most commonly known disease that raccoons can carry. The Rabies virus is transmitted through the bite of infected animals. It causes damage to the central nervous system and can eventually affect the brain and cause death. In humans, symptoms include fever, headache, loss of muscle control, anxiety, inability to sleep even though you feel weak and tired, hallucinations, excess salivation, and inability to swallow. These progress until death occurs. When trying to determine if a raccoon has rabies keep in mind that just being awake in the daytime and/or having no fear of humans is not a sign of rabies. If you see one that has difficulty walking, is slow and disoriented, making loud noises (most raccoons looking for food will do so quietly), and foaming at the mouth or drooling, that one is most likely rabid. Keep your distance from the animal and please contact a professional to deal with this animal immediately.
Raccoon Roundworm – This is a parasite commonly found in the intestines. They will not usually show signs of having the parasite. Eggs of the roundworm are in the feces of raccoons. Humans and pets can become infected through accidental ingestion of fecal matter. It can even happen through inhalation of dried fecal matter. This usually happens if you are cleaning up an area they have been using as their bathroom. Consider calling QualityPro Pest & Wildlife to remove contaminated materials. Humans exhibit signs that include skin lesions, eye damage, and brain damage. Symptoms can also include blindness, loss of coordination, nausea, and lethargy. Pets can show signs that include tilting of the head, loss of coordination, rolling on the ground, and lethargy.
Canine Distemper – This is a virus. This highly contagious virus infects the respiratory system. It is transmitted through contact with mucus of an infected animal. This can be direct contact or contact with objects with mucus droplets still on them. Runny noses and watery eyes are early symptoms. These can progress into pneumonia and conjunctivitis. As it progresses they can become lethargic and disoriented. This can lead to behaving in a way that looks much like rabies. Humans can not become infected but any unvaccinated pet dogs are at risk.
Feline Distemper – This highly contagious virus results in a high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. The animal becomes lethargic due to dehydration and death usually occurs within a week. It is transmitted through all body secretions. Fleas and flies can also aid in transmission of this disease. It is not transmitted to humans but unvaccinated pet cats are at risk.
Salmonella – This is a bacteria that can be carried by raccoons even while suffering no symptoms. It can be transmitted to humans through contaminated water, soil or fecal matter. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps within 12 to 72 hours after infection. It can last 4-7 days and if untreated, can lead to dehydration and death. If you are exposed, you will need to be treated with antibiotics.
Leptospirosis – This bacteria can result in kidney failure, liver disease, meningitis, respiratory illness, and even death. Symptoms can include fever, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle aches, and stomach pain. This is transmitted through fecal matter.
Giardia Lamblia – This parasite is found in the small intestine. It causes diarrhea and stomach pain and can lead to dehydration. It is transmitted through contaminated water, soil or fecal matter.
Parvovirus – This virus is a strain similar to feline or canine parvovirus. They might have bloody diarrhea and be lethargic. It is transmitted through fecal matter. It can also be transmitted through insects like fleas and flies.